Suppliers Mapping
Supplier Mapping Instruction
From this page you can map a supplier of a product.
For every product which is an Purchase item will be purchased from your suppliers. For us to purchase a product from the supplier the product must be mapped with the supplier with whom you are purchasing. Sometimes we will have more than one supplier for the same product from Just Billing Application It is possible to map one product with multiple suppliers.
'Instruction' lets you add instruction with respect to how the item is to be prepared.
How to map supplier to a product ?
1. Open Product page , Click on Edit (see figure 1).
2. Click on suppliers, It will open supplier mapping page
3. Select the supplier and click on Add + Icon (see figure 2).
4. Save the details
5. Up on saving, Supplier is mapped to respective product
6. If you need to map another supplier follow the same process with respect to same product.
Note : To add a new supplier refer to supplier page under masters.
(Figure 1 - Supplier mapping page )