Sales Return
Sales Return
In Sales Return (also known as Return Inward) items/goods purchased by end customers are returned to the store/seller. The reason for returning the merchandise can be various such as ddefective goods provided to customer, incorrect product specification, excess shipment, wrong items shipped etc.
System provides two types of Sales Return:
- Cash back (Refund) - In this case an amount of money is given back to the customer in lieu of the returned goods
- Exchange - In this case customer purchases new merchandise in lieu of the returned goods
Prerequisites of sales return:
- Sales return is possible only for product(s), which have been marked Return Allowed in the Product Master.
- Sales return is possible only when payment has been collected against the sales order.
How to create Sales returns ?
1. Navigate to Sales Returns page
2. Click on the (+) Add.
(Figure 1 - Sales Return page)
2. In the Sales Return Details page, enter the Sales Invoice No. and the Return All check box if the customer wants to return all the products.
(Figure 2 - Sales Return All page)
3. Check the field Return All - this will return all items corresponding to the Sales Invoice/Sales Order. When you select the Sales Order No. or the Sales Invoice No., data in Customer and Price Catalog fields populates automatically. Change the Quantity from the Quantity field under Line Details, according to which the Return Amount gets adjusted.
(Figure 3 - Sales Return Quantity Entry page)
4. Click on Save to complete the transaction. Stock of product will get incremented by the quantity of the return.
(Figure 4 - Sales Return Created Page)
5. If the customer wants to return only few of the products bought, do not select the Return All check box. To initiate the return process for a certain number of products :
- Navigate towards the bottom of the page.
- Enter the quantity to be returned, under the Line Details section, in the Quantity field against the product to be returned and Save.
(Figure 5 - Sales Return for Few Items page)
6. When you enter the quantity to be returned, data against Line Price and Return Amount gets updated accordingly.
How to create Exchange on sales invoice ?
1. If customer wants to buy new items in lieu of the returned goods
2. Click on exchange. This will redirect you to the Sales Invoice screen
3. Where you can create a new sales invoice for the customer. For more details on how to create a sales invoice
4. Please refer topic Sales invoices.