Sales Orders

From this page you can view all Sales Order created from the Just Billing application. You can add, edit, delete, check, print receipts and create sales invoices from this page (see figure 1).

(Figure 1 - sales orders page)

How to create Sales order ?

1. Navigate to Sales order page

2. In order to create a new sales order, click on Add.

3. In the sales order entry page enter/select information such as Customer, Sales Order Due Date, Sales Order Type and verify data in Sales Order Date and Status, select products against which the sales order will be created and enter quantity required by the customer and Save (see figure 2).

(Figure 2 - sales orders entry page)

4. A sales invoice can be created on a sales order. To create a sales invoice, select a sales order and click on Create Sales Invoice.

(Figure 3 - sales order to Invoice page)

5. In the sales invoice page, verify the invoice date, customer, user branch and net receivable amount. Select applicable payment terms (if any), and Save.

(Figure 4 - sales order to Invoice page)

6. Payments can be collected against Sales Invoices. To tender payment, click on Payment Collection button from the Sales Invoice page after creation of an invoice. To know more on how you can collect payment on an invoice, please refer payment collection point from the Sales Invoices page.