
Return (Refund/exchange) process in Just billing.

  1. What is Return?
  2. Difference between Refund & Exchange.
  3. Conditions of Return.
  4. Steps for return and refund process in JB Windows.


For obvious reasons, most stores focus on practising good customer service specifically to enhance sales. But customer service doesn't end once a purchase is made. Or at least it shouldn't. As long as products are being sold, there will always be some returns. And, for many sellers, the process of handling product returns has been mostly on an ad-hoc basis. However, many successful business organizations have realized that an effective product returns strategy can provide a number of benefits, such as improved customer service and customer knowledge, effective inventory management, and product dis positioning.

  1. Refund: In Refund, an amount of money is given back to the customer, especially if they are not happy with the product. Refund processes are often governed by store level policies.

  1. Exchange: In exchange, store allows customers to return the item that they had purchased previously and buy another item in exchange.

To initiate a Return process, click on the Return button from billing screen and select the invoice from the return page (see figure 1).


(Figure 1 - Initiating return)


After selecting the invoice in return page, user need to select invoice and then user need to select - Refund or Exchange as shown in the below screen (see figure 2&3).

(Figure 2 - Selecting Invoice for return)

(Figure 3 - Two return optionsConfirming refund)

  • Refund:  Let's say user clicks on the “Refund” button ; system will prompt the user to confirm the refund amount (see figure 3).

Validate/edit the refund amount and click OK.

Note: In JB Windows Refund Amount should be less than or equal to Invoice Amount/Paid Amount.

(Figure 4 - Confirming refund)

You can view all refund related information in the “Return invoice” page under the reports section (see figure 5).

(Figure 5 - Return invoice report)

  • Exchange: If customer wants to exchange the product, click on Exchange button.

Clicking on the “Exchange” button will navigate you to the billing screen where you can select the product customer wants to buy in exchange (see figure 6).

(Figure 6 - Exchange process)

For exchange, customer can select identical product/different product depending upon their choice but Exchange Amount should be greater than or equal to Invoice Amount /Paid Amount. Only then the Pay button will appear in the billing screen.

Similarly, like refund you can view all exchange related information in the “Exchange invoice” page under the reports section (see figure 7).

(Figure 7 - Exchange invoice report)

Note: On successful completion of the Return process using Refund or Exchange method, inventory of item will be updated accordingly. For example: Say, customer buys a product called ‘bread’. Later he exchanges it with “milk”. After the transaction is completed inventory/stock of bread will be increased by the return quantity and stock of milk will be reduced by sold quantity.