Purchase Invoices

From this page, you can create a new Purchase Invoice. (see figure 1).

On Opening Invoicing page it will take you to Billing screen.

How to create a new Purchase Invoice ?

  1. Navigate to Menu > Transaction > Purchase Invoices
  2. It will take you to Purchase Billing screen
  3. Click on Add Button
  4. Select the supplier then proceed
  5. From Categories pane select the Product category
  6. From Products pane select the Product and quantity to purchase
  7. If you have specific Tax and discount on the product use icon for Tax and Discount
  8. Then Select on payment
  9. Enter the amount and finish the flow by selecting appropriate payment
  10. You can Print, Share and Email the Purchase invoices by clicking options available for Print, Share and Email respectively
  11. In Just Billing application it is possible to collect payment in more than one payment mode for one bill like partial amount by card, cash, wallet etc.

(Figure 1 - Purchase Invoices page)

(Figure 2 - Purchase Supplier selection screen)

(Figure 3 - Purchase Product selection)

(Figure 4 - Purchase Payment Screen)

(Figure 5 - Purchase Invoice Created)

Note : Detailed Explanation of Billing screen and Payment Modes are available in Billing screen and Payment pages respectively