
From the Expenses page, you can keep track of the petty cash expenses incurred by your store. For example, if you made some payment to a local vendor or paid some bills, you can enter the expense details from this page.


Let us assume there are two branches – Bangalore, which is the head office, and Hyderabad, which is a branch office. In this case, we are describing how operating expenses for the Hyderabad store can be added and how it is synced with the Bangalore head office.

How to create an Expense record from Just Billing Application ?

  1. From Just Billing Windows for the Hyderabad branch, navigate to Menu > Transactions > Operating Expenses.

  1. Click on Add and enter the ledger details, payment to, expense amount, expense date, expense voucher date, reference document number and expense details, and Save. Different fields in this section are Ledger, Payment To, Expense Amount, Expense Date, Expense Voucher Date, Reference Document No., and Expense Details. Ledger is the record book where you keep details of financial transactions. The ledger field allows you to choose the ledger type with which the expense can be associated (see figure 1).

(Figure 1 - Operating expenses entry)

  1. Click on the operating expense record to make the Payment (see figure 2).

(Figure 2 - Operating expense payment)

Note: Only after you make the payment for the operating expense it will be synced with the back office.