Price Catalog
Price Catalog
Often in business you need to provide tailored prices for specific product/services based on business need, occasion, promotion etc. So it imperative to configure a price list to configure special pricing, or tax and discount. In Just Billing app, a price catalog is used to set multiple pricing for the same product. Price Catalog is created in the back office and downloaded in the Just Billing app.
- How to configure pricing against a price catalog, and set tax/discount?
- How to use more options?
1. How to configure pricing against a price catalog, and set tax/discount?
Navigate to Masters > Price catalog.
- Select product(s).
- Tap on edit button and then Pricing. (see figure 1)
- Select a price catalog from the Price Catalog field.( For purchase select standard purchase price catalog and Similarly for sales select standard sales price )
- Enter the price of the item for the selected price catalog.
- Select a tax group and discount rate (if you want to provide any)
- Check and un check for Tax inclusive and Fixed price and then Save. (see figure 2)
Note: Selecting the Tax inclusive check box will make the product price inclusive of the tax rate specified.
(Figure 1 : Edit Price Catalog Screen)
(Figure 2 : Edit Product Pricing Screen)
System has three pre-defined price catalogues by default they are as follows, Standard Purchase price, Standard Sales Price and Special Sales price.
In the Price catalog page you can set prices against the Standard Sales Price and Special sales price from price catalog for sales and purchase.