Physical Stock

It is important to maintain accurate inventory record in order to avoid erroneous decisions on part of the management. The physical count of stock inventory  is compared with the system stock and any anomalies detected are assigned proper status through the Physical Stock page. Based on the physical stock  entered in this page, system automatically updates the stock of products in the following ways:

  1. When Physical Stock entered is less than that of the System Stock, system will automatically create an OUT type transaction with quantity out = System Stock – Physical Stock (Physical Count – OUT ).
  2. When Physical Stock entered is greater than that of the System Stock, system will automatically create an IN type transaction with quantity in= Physical Stock – System Stock (Physical Count – IN).

Stated below are the overall steps to update the physical stock:

1. Log in to back office, and navigate to Transaction > Inventory Management > Physical Stock.

2. Click on New, and select the User Branch against which the item stock need to be adjusted.

3. Enter the Product Code and quantity in Physical Stock, and add the record (see figure 1).

(Figure 1 - Physical stock entry page)

4. Since, for this transaction, System Stock is = 30 and Physical Stock = 20, system will create an OUT type transaction with quantity out = 10 (see figure 2).

(Figure 2 - Stock out quantity)