This feature helps track breakage, theft and wastage.
How to Adjust the physical Stock ?
Stated below are the overall steps to update the Adjust physical stock:
- Log in to back office, and navigate to Transaction > Inventory Management > Adjustments.
- Click on New, and select the User Branch against which the stock needs to be adjusted.
- Enter the Product Code.
- Under Adjustment Type, select the type of adjustment e.g Wastage, Theft etc.
- Enter the quantity of adjustment, and add the record (see figure 1).
(Figure 1 - Adjustments entry page)
Note: Based on the Adjustment Type selected, a Stock Out or Stock In transaction will be created.
In this transaction, since Adjustment Type selected is Wastage system stock will be decremented by the quantity entered in the Adjustment Details (see figure 2).
(Figure 2 - Adjustment quantity showing depreciated stock)