Stock Transfer Out
- Stock Transfer Out
Stock transfer refers to transfer of materials/goods from one branch to another causing a reduction of stock quantity in the originating branch. When goods arrive at the destination branch, goods received notes needs to be created against receiving branch; this would cause the stock of the receiving branch to be updated in the system.
How to create Stock transfer out ?
To create a stock transfer record in system:
- Navigate to Back Office Management > Transactions > Inventory Management > Stock Transfer Out.
- Click on new and enter the User Branch and Ship to Branch (see figure 1).
(Figure 1 - Creating stock transfer record)
3. Under Line Details:
- Select the product code corresponding to the product you want to transfer to another branch.
- Enter the quantity of transfer in Transfer Out Quantity.
- Add the line and save the record (see figure 2).
(Figure 2 - Entering line details)
4. The stock of product in the initiating branch will decrease by the amount of stock transfer out quantity (see figure 3).
(Figure 3 - Stock amount lowered)
5. Once the destination branch receives the goods, goods received notes need to be created against the receiving branch.
In the Good Received page
6. select the receiving branch name in User Branch, enter quantity received under GRN Quantity and save. This would update the stock of product in the receiving branch by the received quantity.
7. Log in to back office user or Android and create a GRN for transfer out no : 1010