
Here we will be discussing:

  1. How to process payment?
  2. What are the different payment options?

1. How to process payment?

  • Add items to cart and tap on Proceed. (see figure 1)

(Figure 1 - Payment Process from Billing cart)

When you tap on Proceed, it opens the Payment screen where you can enter customer details. However, only if Capture customer details while billing is in on mode, this screen will appear. If Capture customer details while billing is turned off, the payment screen where you can enter customer details or select a customer will not appear (to know how you can turn on or off Capture customer details while billing, please refer App Settings).

  • Enter customer details (optional) and select Payment to open the payment screen.(see figure 2)

Note: You can search for existent customers by typing the name or phone number of the customer in the Type here to search field or add a new customer by entering the mobile number, name and other details in the corresponding fields.

(Figure 2 - Customer selection)

  • In the Payment screen choose a payment mode. For example, if the customer is going to pay in cash, tap on Cash.(see figure 3)

(Figure 3 - Payment collection)

  • This will open the Cash payment window, from where you can choose the payment denomination, or enter the payment amount. Tap OK to proceed.(see figure 4)

(Figure 4 - Payment Mode selection)

  • The Payment screen will show the Bill Amount, Balance/Change Amount and total Cash being paid by the customer. Tap on Payment to generate the bill. This will redirect you to the Billing screen once the payment has been completed.(see figure 5)

(Figure 5 - Payment finish)

2. Different payment modes/options are available with Just Billing, which are:

a) Cash : This option is for collecting payment through cash.

b) Card : This option is for collecting payment through card.

c) Voucher : This option is for collecting payment through voucher.

d) Cheque : This option is for collecting payment through cheque.

e) Redeem : This option is for collecting payment by redeem points.

f) On Account : This option is for collecting payment through due payment

g) Wallet : This option is for collecting payment through Wallet payments like Paytm, Mobikwik, Airtel Money etc.

f) Advance Payment : This option is for collecting payment through Advance payment collected from customers.

  • When no customer is selected from the billing screen, you will get four payment modes, which are Cash, Card, Voucher and Cheque.
  • When a customer is selected at the time of billing, you will get all the payment modes that is Cash, Card, Voucher, Cheque, Redeem, Wallet and on Account.

a) Payment by Cash:

(Figure 6 - Payment mode by cash)

  • Cash payment is the simplest and fastest way to complete transaction. The option of possible denominations makes payment completion quick.(see figure 6)

  • Additionally it also provides number pad to enter the values.

b) Payment by Card:

(Figure 7 - Payment mode by card)

Customer can make use of his/her card to make the payments unlike carrying the cash all the time. There are mainly two sections present in the window while trying to add payment through card - the amount and the Debit/Credit card number.(see figure 7)

c) Payment by Voucher:

(Figure 8 - Payment mode by Voucher)

Few stores may provide gift vouchers to attract more customers to visit the store again. While selecting payment option as Voucher, you need to add the coupon number and amount as shown in the screen shot above.(see figure 8)

d) Payment by Cheque:

(Figure 9 - Payment mode by Cheque)

Another payment method available in Just Billing is Cheque wherein customer provided cheque details (Cheque No, Bank Name, Amount) can be captured in the system to complete the payment.(see figure 9)

e) Payment by Redeem amount:

(Figure 10 - Payment mode by Redeem Amount)

Redeem is one of the most interesting methods of payment where the customer can avail his/her loyalty points to be redeemed at the time of payment.(see figure 10)

Pre-requisite : Customer should belong to a loyalty type so that points are earned by the customer for the transactions he make. The points accrued are equivalent to an amount (redeemable amount) based on the loyalty rule set up. The redeemable amount can be en-cashed during a transaction.

The above screen shot indicates that the customer has Rs 10 available in his account that can be redeemed against the current payment.

f) Payment by On Account option:

(Figure 11 - Payment mode by on account)

On Account payment method provides an option to do credit transaction. The transaction can be completed with a due amount which can be paid later. However store owners need to take a call if credit payment by customers will be allowed. After selecting “On-Account”, the payment amount will be saved against the customer record as due amount.(see figure 11)

g) Payment by Wallet option:

(Figure 12 - Payment mode by Wallet)

  • Wallet payment is the yet another simplest and fastest way to complete transaction in todays world makes payment completion quick just by scan.(see figure 12)

  • Additionally it also provides number pad to enter the specific value to pay in Wallet

h) Payment by Advance payment option:

(Figure 13 - Payment mode by Advance Payment)

  • Advance payment is the yet another simplest and fastest way to complete transaction in todays world where few of loyal customers make some advance payment before they make any purchase at their store.(see figure 13)
  • To collect from Advance payment option select on Advance payment in the Payment mode screen then click on finish
  • Screen goes to Advance received or collection where you have to select advance receive no then click on apply and finish the flow.  
  • Additionally it also provides number pad to enter the specific value to pay from Advance received.

On successful completion of payment, the bill generated gets displayed on screen if no bill delivery mode is selected.(see figure 14)

(Figure 14 - Invoice Created)

You can either share the bill via sms/email or print it as per customer demand or Skip the process to go on with the payment process.(see figure 15)

(Figure 15 - Invoice Print or Share Option)