Kitchen order ticket

Whenever customer places an order, a corresponding Kitchen Order Ticket (abbreviated as KOT ) is generated. The KOTs generated can be viewed from the Kitchen Orders page.  

The data for this page gets refreshed in every 1 minute. When an order is ready to be served, click on the KOT to get it  cleared from the KOT screen.

(Figure 1 - KOT screen)

Department wise KOT generation and printing:

Using Just Billing application, one can easily configure department wise KOT printing. Department wise KOT generation helps kitchen managers prioritize the kitchen orders.

How it works in Just Billing Windows?

  1. Log into Back Office. We create a new department from Masters > Administration > Departments. Let's say we create a new department called Snacks (see figure 1).

(Figure 1 - Creating a new department)

Note: A list of Departments has been pre-defined. You can check the departments from the Departments page in Back Office and also Departments under Masters in JB Windows.

  1. Now log in to JB Windows and select printer for the department from Menu > Masters > Departments page (see figure 2).

Note: Only installed printers will be populated in the Printer drop down.

(Figure 2 - Selecting printer for department)

  1. Specify department for a Product from Menu > Masters > Products page. Let's say, the product Green Bawarchi Spl Starter is mapped to the Snacks department (see figure 3).

(Figure 3 - Specifying department for a product)

  1. Log in to back office & navigate to Masters > Administration > My Organization > Invoice Delivery and select - Allow KOT by Department - check box (see figure 4).

(Figure 4 - Selecting allow KOT by department)

This setting will enable you to see department wise KOT from the KOT page (as show in below screen shot) (see figure 5).

(Figure 5 - Departments in KOT page)

NOTE: This will be visible in the application once the - Allow KOT by Department- setting is synchronized from back office.

Now when a customer places an order for Green Bawarchi Spl Starter, a KOT will be generated and visible from the KOT page under the Snacks department. Also the KOT will be printed using the printer which has been selected for the Snacks department in Departments page (as described in Step 2) (see figure 6).

(Figure 6 - Showing department wise KOT)

Note: By default, KOT of all departments are shown in the KOT page. When None department is selected, KOT for those products will show for which no department has been selected. However if we select a specific department name (e.g, Snacks) then that department related product's KOT will be displayed  in the KOT page.