Customer feedback

It is a common practice for the restaurants to take customer feedback on the product variety available, quality and service. Customer Feedback received can be entered into the system from this page.


Let us assume there are two branches – Bangalore, which is the head office, and Hyderabad, which is a branch office. In this case, we are describing how customer feedback for the Hyderabad store can be added and how it is synced with the Bangalore head office.

From the store


  1. From Just Billing Windows for Hyderabad branch, navigate to Menu > Transactions > Customer Feedback.

  1. Click on Add and enter the customer name and feedback, and Save (see figure 2).

(Figure 2 - Adding Customer Feedback)

Note: This data will be synced with the back office if you enable Auto Sync option in Just Billing Windows under Data backup and Restore page.

From the back office

Once the feedback has been synced with back office, you can see the details from Back Office Management > Transaction > Administration > Feedback page.