Discount Rules
Discount Rules
Discounts play an important role in the sales of the products. By strategically implementing the discounts, you can increase sales and attract new customers. You can also give discounts to your loyal customers. The application comes seeded with the most popular discounts. You can use a discount from the pre-defined discount list (see figure 1) or create your own discounts as per business need.
(Figure 1 - Discount rules page)
How to create Discount rules :
Stated below are the overall steps to create a new discount in the application.
1. Navigate to Discount rule page
2. Click on (+) add and enter the following details (see figure 2).
(Figure 1 - Discount rules entry pop up)
Different fields in this page are:
- Rule Type : There are two types of discount rule - Invoice and Item.
Field available in Rule type : Invoice
- Discount Name : here you need to enter the discount name
- Description : provide a description of the discount rule
- Fixed Amount : here you need to specify the fixed amount
- Percentage : enter the discount percentage
- Minimum Invoice Amount : here you need to enter the minimum invoice amount for which the discount is applicable
- Maximum Invoice Amount : here you need to enter the maximum invoice amount for which the discount is applicable
- Active : clicking this box enables the discount rule
Fields available in Rule type :Item
- Discount Name : here you need to enter the discount name
- Sales Quantity : here you need to enter the sales quantity for which the discount is applicable
- Description : provide a description of the discount rule
- Percentage : enter the discount percentage
- Active : clicking this box enables the discount rule
Once you make an entry, you cannot change the data. However, if change is necessary, you need to recreate a new entry after deleting the previous one.
Discussed below are some examples of configuring different types of discount rules:
1) 10% Discount
Rule Type = Volume
Discount Name = 10% Discount
Sales Quantity = 1
Percentage = 10
2) 10% Discount on Invoice
Rule Type = Invoice
Discount Name = 10% Discount on Invoice
Sales Quantity = NA
Percentage = 10
3) Buy One Get 30% Discount
Rule Type = Volume
Discount Name = Buy One Get 30% Discount
Sales Quantity = 2
Percentage = 30
4) Buy Three Get One Free
Rule Type = Volume
Discount Name = Buy Three Get One Free
Sales Quantity = 4
Percentage = 25
5) Complimentary
Rule Type = Volume
Discount Name = Complimentary
Sales Quantity = 1
Percentage = 100
6) Promo Code : To give discount via Promo code, create an invoice level discount & set a promo code (for example, EXTRA 20%) (see figure 2). The Promo code configured in back office can be provided at the time of billing to avail the discount
(Figure 10 - Defining Promo Code)