Loyalty Types
Loyalty Types
Loyalty programs help recognize loyal customers and retain them. This is a great way to offer incentives to the customers. From this page, you can create different types of loyalty program (see figure 1).
(Figure 1 - Loyalty types page)
How to create Loyalty type ?
1. Navigate to Loyalty type page
2. To create a new loyalty type, click on the (+) New and enter the following details and save the record (see figure 2).
(Figure 2 - Loyalty type entry pop up)
Different fields in this page are:
- Loyalty Type : here you can enter the name of the loyalty type
- Order Amount Per Point : here you can capture information regarding the loyalty point that can be earned based on the order amount
- Description : here you can add a short description regarding the loyalty type
- Redeem Amount Per point : here you can add information on point conversion or amount that can be redeemed based on the points
- Discount Name : here you can define discounts based on loyalty
- Default check box : you need to click this check box if you want to set a loyalty type as default
To better understand the loyalty process - loyalty point aggregation and upgrading a loyalty type, a scenario has been provided below:
Aggregation of loyalty points
Assume there are three branches - Bangalore, which is the Head Office, Hyderabad and Kolkata. And only Hyderabad and Kolkata branches are having POS systems.
In this case, we are describing loyalty aggregation against a customer from Hyderabad to Kolkata branch.
- Set the Loyalty rules from Loyalty Type page in Back office of Hyderabad branch for Bronze as “Order Amount Per Point” = Rs. 100 & “Redeem Amount Per Point” = Rs. 1 i.e if customer makes any transaction of Rs. 100, then 1 point will be added to that customer's account and for 1 point the customer can redeem Rs. 1.
- From Hyderabad branch POS, add a customer named Sumana Sarkar from billing screen and make a transaction against Sumana Sarkar for Rs. 1,000.
Note : Since Sumana Sarkar is a new customer, she is having default loyalty type as Bronze. According to the Loyalty rules, for this transaction, Sumana will earn 10 points and using this 10 points she can redeem Rs. 10 in her next transaction.
- Ensure after completing the transaction from Hyderabad branch POS, the same details of Sumana Sarkar should be downloaded to Kolkata branch POS as well.
Steps to follow:
Enable Auto Sync with the back office from both the Hyderabad and Kolkata branch's POS. Then set the auto sync frequency as 1 min.
- Set the Loyalty rules from Loyalty Type page in Back office of Hyderabad branch for Bronze as “Order Amount Per Point” = Rs. 100 & “Redeem Amount Per Point” = Rs. 1.
- From Hyderabad branch POS, add a customer named Sumana Sarkar from the billing screen.
Note : Since Moumita Malik is a new customer that is why she is having default loyalty type i.e Bronze.
- Do a transaction against Sumana Sarkar for Rs. 1,000.
- Again do a transaction against Sumana Sarkar for Rs. 400 and before completing the transaction, check Customer Wallet Window from payment screen. Here “Available Wallet Amount” should display as Rs. 10.
- Now redeem Rs. 10 for this transaction. So, Sumana Sarkar has to pay Rs. 390 to complete the transaction. After completing the 2nd transaction, the Available Wallet Amount of Sumana Sarkar will be Rs. 4.
- Now go to Kolkata branch POS and do the transaction against Sumana Sarkar for Rs. 200. And before completing the transaction, check Customer Wallet Window from the payment screen. Here “Available Wallet Amount” should display as Rs. 4. But after completing the 3rd transaction, the Available Wallet Amount of Sumana Sarkar will be Rs. 6.
Note : After syncing, the Available Wallet Amount of Sumana Sarkar should display same value in all the branches (i.e Bangalore, Hyderabad and Kolkata).
This option is available in online mode i.e JB should be connected to the Internet for both the branches (i.e Hyderabad and Kolkata) to retrieve the Customer details from back office and display it in the POS systems of the branches at the time of billing.
Updating loyalty type
Assume there are three branches - Bangalore, which is the Head Office, Hyderabad and Kolkata. And only Hyderabad and Kolkata branches are having POS systems.
In this case we are describing loyalty type update against a customer from Hyderabad to Kolkata branch.
- Set the Loyalty rules from Loyalty Type page in Back office of Hyderabad branch for Bronze as “Order Amount Per Point” = Rs. 100 & “Redeem Amount Per Point” = Rs. 1 i.e if customer makes any transaction of Rs. 100, then 1 point will be added to that customer's account and for 1 point the customer can redeem Rs. 1. And set rule for Platinum as “Order Amount Per Point” = Rs. 100 & “Redeem Amount Per Point” = Rs. 2.
- From Hyderabad branch POS, add a customer named Moumita Malik from billing screen and make a transaction against Moumita Malik for Rs. 1,000.
Note : Since Moumita Malik is a new customer, she is having default loyalty type as Bronze. According to the Bronze loyalty rule, for this transaction Moumita Malik will earn 10 points and using this 10 points she can redeem Rs. 10 in her next transaction.
- Ensure after completing the transaction form Hyderabad branch POS, the same details of Moumita Malik should be downloaded to Kolkata branch POS as well.
Steps to follow:
Enable Auto Sync with the back office from both the Hyderabad and Kolkata branch's POS. Then set the auto sync frequency as 1min.
- Set the Loyalty rules from Loyalty Type page in Back office of Hyderabad branch for Bronze as “Order Amount Per Point” = Rs. 100 & “Redeem Amount Per Point” = Rs. 1 and for Platinum as “Order Amount Per Point” = Rs. 100 and “Redeem Amount Per Point” = Rs. 2.
- From Hyderabad branch JBW, add a customer named Moumita Malik from the billing screen.
Note : Since Moumita Malik is a new customer that is why she is having default loyalty type i.e Bronze.
- From Hyderabad branch JBW, do a transaction against Moumita Malik for Rs. 1,000.
- Again do a transaction against Moumita Malik for Rs. 400 & before completing the transaction check Customer Wallet Window from payment screen. Here “Available Wallet Amount” should display as Rs. 10.
- Now Moumita Malik becomes a loyal customer then upgrade the loyalty type Bronze to Platinum from Customer page in Hyderabad branch JBW.
- Now go to Kolkata branch JBW and do the transaction against Moumita Malik for Rs. 200. And before completing the transaction check Customer Wallet Window from payment screen . Here “Available Wallet Amount” should display as Rs. 14. But after completing the 3rd transaction, according to new loyalty type rule, Rs. 4 should be added to the Moumita’s Wallet.
- Now redeem Rs. 14 for this transaction. So, Moumita Malik has to pay Rs. 186 to complete the transaction. After completing the 3rd transaction, the Available Wallet Amount of Moumita Malik will be Rs. 4.
Note : After syncing, the Available Wallet Amount of Moumita Malik should display same details (Loyalty point) in all the branches (i.e Bangalore, Hyderabad and Kolkata).
This option is available in online mode i.e JB should be connected to the Internet for both the branches (i.e Hyderabad and Kolkata) to retrieve the Customer details from back office and display it in the POS systems of the branches at the time of billing.