Customers - Corporate
Customers - Corporate
From this page you, can view the list of all the Customers corporate that you have. You can also add new Customers corporate, edit the existing ones and delete customer corporate when required, along with Payment Collection (see figure 1).
Customer corporate is primarily for any type of Business to Business B2B.
(Figure 1 - Customers - corporate page)
How to create Customer corporate ?
1. Navigate to Customer corporate page
2. In order to add a new Customer corporate, click on (+) Add button and enter the following details and save the record (see figure 2).
(Figure 2 - Customers - corporate entry page)
Different fields in this page are:
- Organization : you can add information regarding the organization through this field
- Short Name : you can manage a short name of the organization through this field
- Segment : you can manage customer segment of your organisation through this field
- Owner : data gets added automatically in this field based on login branch details
- Customer Source : you can capture information on customer source of your organisation
- Account Manager : here you can capture information regarding the account manager
- Industry : here you can capture information regarding the industry that the organization is in
- Priority : here you can set the priority of the organization/corporate customer
- Status : data gets added automatically by default as New, but can be changed as per requirement
- Annual Revenue : here you can capture information regarding the annual revenue of the corporate customer
- Payment Terms : here you can capture information regarding the payment terms with respect to the corporate customer
- Initial Outstanding Amount : here you can capture information on the initial outstanding amount with respect to the corporate customer
- Product Terms : here you can capture information on the product terms of the corporate customer
- Price Catalog : here you can manage price catalog with your corporate customer
- Credit Limit : here you can manage credit limit with you corporate customer
Contact Details:-
- Phone : here you can capture information in relation to the phone number of the corporate customer
- Alternate Phone : here you can capture information in relation to the alternate phone number of the corporate customer
- Fax : here you can capture information in relation to the fax number of the corporate customer
- Email : here you can capture information in relation to the email id of the corporate customer
- Alternate Email : here you can capture information in relation to the alternate email id of the corporate customer
- Remarks : here you add remarks with respect to the corporate customer
- Website : here you can capture information in relation to the website of the corporate customer
- Facebook : here you can capture information in relation to the Facebook account of the corporate customer
- Twitter : here you can capture information in relation to the Twitter account of the corporate customer
- LinkedIn : here you can capture information in relation to the LinkedIn account of the corporate customer
Address Details:-
- Area : here you can capture information regarding the locality that the corporate customer stays in
- City : here you can capture information regarding the city that the corporate customer stays in
- State : here you can capture information regarding the state that the corporate customer lives in
- Zip Code : here you can capture information on the zip code of the area
- Country : here you can capture information of consumers' nationality
- Address : here you can capture information on the complete address of the corporate customer
Registration Details:-
- Registration No. : here you can capture the registration no. of the corporate customer
- License No. : here you can capture the license no. of the corporate customer
- TIN No. : here you can capture the TIN no. of the corporate customer
- CST No. : here you can capture the CST no. of the corporate customer
- VAT No. : here you can capture the VAT no. of the corporate customer
- Loyalty Type : here you can capture information regarding the loyalty type of the customer
- Loyalty Card No. : here you can capture information regarding the loyalty card number of the customer
8. GST No : here you can capture GSTIN no. of the corporate customer
Other than these fields, there are few other detail boxes, where you can add organization branches, documents and notes in relation to the corporate customer. To add these details, you need to click the add button on the toolbar of these child grids.
Note: Payment collection for any corporate customer can be done in Android as well as from back office - either Cash, Card or any one of the other payment options available.