From this screen, you can Add, edit and view suppliers.
- How to add a Supplier?
- How to edit a supplier?
1. How to add a Suppliers?
Navigate to Menu > Masters >Suppliers.
- Tap on the Add icon
, and enter the Supplier Name (See figure 1&2)
- Phone No., Email ID, Initial Outstanding, VAT Number, GSTIN Number, Area, Address, Pin code
- Enter credit days, Initial outstanding, VAT No, GSTIN No and then Save.
(Figure 1 : Add New Supplier Screen)
(Figure 2 : New Supplier details entry Screen)
2. How to edit a Suppliers?
Navigate to Menu > Masters >Suppliers (See figure 3&4)
- Search the supplier by name or contact number.
- Click on Edit and do the changes and then save.
(Figure 3 : Suppliers Edit Screen)
(Figure 4 : Editing Supplier details entry Screen)
3. How to map a product to Supplier?
Navigate to Menu > Masters > Suppliers.
- Select the Supplier from the list of Suppliers.
- Click on more icon to open supplier products screen.
- Select the supplier
- Tap on the Add icon
, and select the product to be mapped with the supplier and then Save. (See figure 5,6,7 & 8)
(Figure 5 : Supplier Product Mapping Screen)
(Figure 6 : Selecting Supplier for which Product to be Mapped Screen)
(Figure 7 : Adding New Product to Map to supplier)
(Figure 8 : Selecting Product to Map to supplier from product list)
4. How to collect Advance Payment from Supplier?
Navigate to Menu > Masters > Suppliers.
- Select the Supplier from the list of Suppliers. (See figure 9,10,11 & 12)
- Click on Advance Payment
icon to open supplier Advance payment screen.
- Tap on the Add icon
, To initiate advance payment.
- Enter the amount that is paid as part of advance payment to supplier.
- Finish the Payment process by selecting appropriate payment mode.
- Once the payment is finished then Advance payment has been done to supplier.
(Figure 9 : Advance Payment to Supplier)
(Figure 10 : New Advance Payment to Supplier)
(Figure11 : Enter the amount for Supplier advance Payment)
(Figure 12 : Payment Mode for Advance Payment to Supplier)
(Figure 13 : Advance Payment to Supplier record is been created)