Customer Corporate
Customers Corporate
From this screen, you can Add, edit and view customers corporate.
- How to add a B2B customer?
- How to edit a B2B customer?
- How to collect due payment from an B2B customer?
1. How to add a customer corporate?
Navigate to Menu > Masters > Customers Corporate. (See figure 1,2,3,4 & 5)
- Tap on the Add icon
, and enter the Company Name, Phone No, Email ID,
- Enter VAT No, GSTIN No
- Select country, state, city
- Enter pin code and address
- Enter credit days, credit limit, Initial outstanding, Customer source, PAN No and then Save.
(Figure 1 : New Customer Corporate Add Screen)
(Figure 2 : Enter Customer Corporate details Screen)
(Figure 3 : Enter Customer Corporate Address details Screen)
(Figure 4 : Enter Customer Corporate Address details Screen)
(Figure 5 : Enter Customer Corporate Registration details and Save Screen)
Customer loyalty can also be maintained against a customer from back office as well as from app.
2. How to edit a customer corporate?
Tap on the customer corporate name, edit the details and Save.
(Figure 5 : Customer Corporate Edit Screen)
3. How to collect due payment for a customer corporate?
To collect due payment against a customer corporate. you need to tap on Payment Icon (See figure 6 & 7)
you need to Select the customer corporate name and tap on the Payment due icon.
(Figure 6 : Payment collection from Customer Corporate Screen)
(Figure 7 : Payment Type Selection Screen)
This opens payment page, with two payment modes - Cash and Card. Choose an option that the customer corporate is comfortable with and follow the same payment process as described in the Payment page.
4. How to collect Advance payment for a customer corporate ?
To collect Advance payment from a customer. (See figure 8,9,10 & 11)
- Select the customer name and tap on the Advance Payment icon.
- Tap on the Advance payment icon
- Select option from payment type like Due payment and Take advance
- Then Payment page will open, Finish the flow by taking payment with appropriate payment mode
(Figure 8 : Payment collection from Customer Corporate Screen)
(Figure 9 : Payment Type Selection Screen)
(Figure 10 : Enter Amount for Advance Payment Screen)
(Figure 11 : Advance Payment Record Screen)
Once we are in any of the customer corporate screen it is possible for us to see details of the customer like
1. Customer name
2. Mobile Number
3. Email
4. Customer since
5. Loyalty Scheme
6. Address
7. Over all sales done
8. Payment Due
9. Pending orders