Tally Integration
Tally Integration
This page shows how to Import data in to tally.ERP9 in tally XML format as generated from the utility.
Requirements :
i. Please note that this Tally integration utility will work only with the Tally version Tally.ERP 9 and above.
ii. Please note that after importing the data into Tally, if any master or voucher is modified, created directly in Tally by any user, the balances, ledgers or reports may not match with this software, and we will not be able to identify the differences or changes as has been done by the user.
Please follow the steps as mentioned below to import data from this software to Tally.ERP 9
1. Exporting Data (Master and Voucher) from Software
First we need to export all the masters and vouchers from this software into the Tally XML format.
i. Select “From date” (the date from which the data to be exported).
ii. Select “To date” (the date up to which the data to be exported)
iii. Click on the buttons “Export Masters for Tally” and “Export Vouchers for Tally”. This will generate two files, one for the masters and one for the vouchers for the period selected, and will be downloaded automatically from your internet browser. You can share these two files to your Tally user to import into Tally.ERP 9
2. Importing Masters in Tally
You can import masters as exported from from this utility into Tally.ERP 9. Before importing, ensure that there is no duplicate/ conflicting masters were created into Tally manually. Otherwise, the results may not match.
i. Go to Gateway of Tally > Import Data > Masters.
ii. Enter the fully qualified path of the master .xml file as generated from this utility or copied to a folder.
iii. Select the Behaviour to define the method by which the existing entries in the company will be treated. Select “Ignore Duplicates”
iv. Press Enter to import.
3. Importing Vouchers in Tally
Next step is to import vouchers from this system to Tally.ERP 9
i. Go to Gateway of Tally > Import Data > Vouchers.
ii. Enter the fully qualified path of the voucher .xml file as generated from this utility or copied to a folder.
iii. Press Enter to import.
NOTE: You can open the file Tally.imp located in the Tally.ERP 9 installation folder to view the import log. Please refer the Tally.ERP 9 user guide for more details.