1. Purchase Goods Received

Once the supplier ships the goods/materials to the specified branch (indicated by Ship To Branch of PO), a Purchase Goods Received Notes (GRN) needs be created against that branch by selecting the purchase order number. In the GRN page, the field User Branch indicates the branch name against which the GRN is created. System will update stock against the selected User branch.

A purchase GRN can be created from Back Office Management > Transaction > Purchase Management > Purchase Goods Received. Alternatively, you can create GRN from the Purchase Order page by clicking on the Create GRN icon on the tool bar.

How to do Goods Received note :

1. Select the Purchase Order number, and click on Create GRN (see figure 1).

(Figure 1 - Creating GRN)

2. Verify the GRN Date, Purchase Order No and Supplier.

3.  Under Line details, enter the received quantity under GRN Quantity and save the record (see figure 2).

(Figure 2 - Entering line details)