
In retailing, products are commercial goods/ merchandise that are bought from suppliers and sold to end customers. For restaurants, products are bought as raw materials and sold as finished goods (menu).  Stated below are the overall steps to create products from back office.

How to create Products :

1. Login into the back office (the credentials will be sent to your registered email id).

2. Navigate to Menu → Masters → Product Management > Products (see figure 1).

(Figure 1 - Navigating to products)

Product Type : A) Finished Product : This Option is selected any product which is finished one

B) Raw Materials : This Option is selected any product which is used as Raw Materials for preparing a product

C) Semi Finished Product : This Option is selected any product which is Semi Finished one.

D) Metric Product : This Option is selected when any product that has different variants like size , color , volume etc.

3. In the Products page click on [+New] (see figure 2).

(Figure 2 - Adding a product)

This will open the product entry page, where you can enter the following details:

A. Product Details :

  1. Under the Product Details section, specify the Product Type, Product Name, Product code, Unit and Default Price (see figure 3).

(Figure 3 - Adding a product)

  1. You can optionally select the Department.  

When to select a department?

Let us assume that a restaurant is having two departments (sections) - bar & fine dine-in sections .If an item is available only in the bar section, for that item select department as Bar. Based on the products mapping with a department, KOT will be generated in the corresponding department.

  1. Select the Procurement method (Buy or Make) (see figure 4).

(Figure 4 - Selecting procurement method)

  • Buy - Indicates items that you buy from vendors and sale directly e.g cold drinks.
  • Make - Indicates items that you prepare in-house based on raw materials procured from supplier e.g Mutton Dum biryani.

NOTE: BOM can be created for for Make products. From more details on BOM, please refer topic production. BOM is more useful in JB Restaurant Application.

  1. Select the inventory valuation method – First In First Out (FIFO), Moving Average or Standard (see figure 4).
    Valuation method indicates how you would determine the cost of the goods/items in your inventory. For more details on each of the inventory valuation method.

(Figure 5 - Selecting valuation method)

  1. Select the following options based on your business requirement (see figure 6):

(Figure 6 - Selecting business requirements)

Allow Negative Stock: Select this option if your business permits taking an order for an item even when its stock is zero. For example, in a Restaurant business, when you take an order for an item say Sandwich, item is not available in stock from before. Kitchen starts preparing the item post the order is taken. In such case, Allow Negative Stock should be set to Y for Sandwich

Purchase item: Products which you buy/procure from suppliers/vendors should be selected as Purchase Item.

Sales Item: This option should be checked for products to appear in the billing cart.
Active: Products which are not used in your business any more (whether selling/buying) should be set as Active = N. Products which are inactive will not appear in the billing cart or at the time of purchasing.

B. Product Images :

Under Product images section, We can upload or capture the Image of the product.

For you to upload Product Image from your Desktop you can simple click on Browse > Select the Image file > Click on Add > Save (see figure 7)

(Figure 7  - Uploading Product Image )

C. Sales Price :

Under Sales price section, we can update the sales price catalog and Discount Applicable to the product. (see figure 8)

Note: The unit price entered will by default get saved as Standard Sales Price catalog.

If you want to specify a tax/discount at the item level, edit the Standard Sales Price catalog and select the appropriate discount /tax name. Select on Add and save the details.

Note: In pro-subscriptions there are two ways to assign item level discounts:

  1. From Just billing application (to know how you can add discount from Just Billing application, please refer Just Billing Android Pro documentation)
  2. From Back office (to know how you can add discount from back office, refer topic Discount rules)

(Figure 8 - Updating Sales Price Image )

D. Cost Price :

Under Cost price section, we can update the cost price catalog and Discount Applicable to the product. (see figure 9)

Note: The unit price entered will by default get saved as Standard purchase Price catalog.

If you want to specify a tax/discount at the item level, edit the Standard purchase Price catalog and select the appropriate discount /tax name. Select on Add and save the details.

Note: In pro-subscriptions there are two ways to assign item level discounts:

  1. From Just billing application (to know how you can add discount from Just Billing application, please refer Just Billing Pro documentation)
  2. From Back office (to know how you can add discount from back office, refer topic Discount rules)

(Figure 9 - Updating cost Price Image )

E. Purchasing :

Under Purchasing, we can Map an supplier to the product.

Supplier mapping: If the item is a Purchase item (Purchase item = Y), supplier mapping will be visible once you save the product (see figure 10).

A.  Click on add and select the supplier name from whom you procure the product from.
Specify Min PO Quantity and select a Default Supplier

(Figure 10 - Selecting Supplier's for the product )

NOTE: Suppliers can be created from Back Office > Masters > Purchase Management > Suppliers.

Select a default supplier (Default = Y) if you want to use the Create Auto-PO functionality. For more details on how to create Auto PO

F. Inventory :

Under Inventory section, specify the item's Re-order level, Safety Stock and Overstock quantity.

Note:  The Reorder level is the stock level that spurs the company's next purchase. Say, a company requires 200 units of a product each day to meet end customer demand and vendor requires 10 days time to deliver the product, then the reorder level for the product would be set at 200 units.

Safety stock can be thought of as a backup/buffer stock to prevent stock out situations.

To avoid cash being tied up for unnecessary high levels of stocks, it is prudent to set the maximum level of stocks (known as Overstock) to be held at any point of time.

Specify  branch mapping. Under branch mapping user should add all branches to which the product will be synchronized and get downloaded.

To add a branch click on plus [+] and select the branch name from the drop down. After selecting the branch name, click on tick mark to add the selected branch. Save the record (see figure 11).

(Figure 11 - Selecting branch)

Once you save the product, the following mappings can be seen on the Product entry page:

G. Bar Code:

Under Bar-code Page, We can add the item bar code of the product.

To add bar-code for an product Products > Bar-code Page > Bar-code > Enter the Bar code / Scan with Bar-code Scanner > Add > Save (see figure 12 )

(Figure 12 - Bar-code Entry Page )


Note : If you want to generate a bar-code from Just Billing Application refer to  Bar-Code.

G. Product Alias Details :

Under Product Alias Details Page, We can add the alternative name of the product.

To add Product alias details for an product Product  > Product alias page > Select Language > Enter the alternative name of product > Add > Save (see figure 13 )

(Figure 13 - Product alias Entry Page )

H. Documents :

Under Documents Page, We can add or upload the documents related to the product. If any

To add Documents for an product : Product  > Documents > Select Document Type > Browse Document ID Image >  Add >  Save (see figure 14 )

(Figure 14 - Documents upload Page )

I. Notes :

Under Notes Page, We can add the notes related to the product. If any

To add Notes for an product : Product  > Notes > Add Subject > Add Notes >  Add >  Save (see figure 15 )

(Figure 15 - Product Notes update Page )

J. Audit :

Under Audit Page, We can see the Audit Information related to the product.

To Browse audit Page for an product : Product  > Audit Page (see figure 16)

From Audit page, You can see information on product Created by, Created date, Lost Modified by, Last modified date.

(Figure 16 - Audit Page )