Sometimes buyers would ask for an estimated price for the goods/services they are interested to buy. From the Estimation screen, you can generate Estimation for the products/services you sell.
From this Screen you can view Estimation history, filter Estimation , sort Estimations and also to create Estimation.
- How to generate Estimation?
To generate a quotation, navigate to Menu icon from top left > Transaction > Estimation > Click on
- Tap on Estimation.
- Tap on the product name to add products to the cart. (see figure 1)
- Add Discount and Tax, if there are any.
- Tap on Proceed. (see figure 2)
- Enter customer details e.g Mobile no, Name, Email and Address. Providing customer details is an optional step.
- Then Finish, Estimation is been created. (see figure 3)
- Created Estimation can be converted in to Either Invoice or Order. (see figure 4,5,6 & 7)
- Order and Invoice guide is provided in respective pages.
(Figure 1 - Estimation Screen)
(Figure 2 - Estimation created)
(Figure 3 - Estimation created)
2. How to convert Estimation in to order / Invoice?
To convert the estimation to either order / Invoice click on appropriate button as shown above and follow the instructions as provided in Order and Invoice pages in user guide.
(Figure 4 - Estimation to Order Screen)
(Figure 5 - Estimation to Invoice Screen)
(Figure 6 - Invoice Payment Collection Screen)
(Figure 7 - Invoice Generated Screen)