From this page you can view various diagnostics information for Just Billing Application.
Stated below are the options that can be available in Diagnostics page :
1. Last Sync time : From this option you can view last sync time for download and upload with Back office portal. It will also show connection status with the server.
2. Show device information : From this option you can view Device information
3. Log Details : From this option you can view log details of the application
4. Application Maintenance : From this option you can view Application maintenance, From this option you can force to sync data with cloud and vice versa which is explained below in detail.
5. Audit trial : From this option you can view audit trial of the Just Billing application
6. Release notes : From this option you can see latest update release notes of Just Billing application
7. Application Patch : From this option it is possible to apply patches of Software at an critical scenario our support team will do occasionally.
(Figure 1 - Last Sync time )
(Figure 2 - Show device information )
(Figure 3 - Log details )
(Figure 4 - Application Maintenance )
(Figure 5 - Audit trial )
(Figure 6 - Release notes )
Application Maintenance : This option is used to Force Upload data and Force Download Data.
Data synchronization is the process of establishing consistency among data from a source to a target data storage and vice versa and the continuous harmonization of the data over a time. It is fundamental to a wide variety of applications, including file synchronization and mobile device synchronization.
In Just Billing you can synchronize transaction and master data created/updated via JB Windows application to the back office(cloud) portal and vice verse.
Subscriptions available that supports web portal
User's who are registered with Pro versions of Just Billing will be able to manage access to the web portal access with the subscription code Just Billing provides.
Currently JB provides the following cloud based services:
- Just billing Windows Restaurant - PRO
- Just billing Windows Retail - PRO.
- Just billing Windows Distribution - PRO
- Just billing Android Restaurant - PRO.
- Just billing Android Retail - PRO.
- Just billing Android Distribution- PRO
- Just billing Android Airlines - PRO
You can subscribe to the vertical, and according to your requirement.
Cloud based subscription is more suitable for those stores, which are located in more than one location (multi-chain operation), where the data/operations of various stores ought to be centrally managed from one location. As a chain operation, it is essential for business owners to be updated with the consolidated information from across all the stores. Using the Just Billing integrated Head Office module, you can view consolidated sales, customers, inventory, payment and expense information for any location with our real-time data synchronization mechanism, as if it is a local store. Store manager no more needs to process manual upload, download or reconciliation.
Sync options available in JB Windows under Application Maintenance
Just billing provides two different synchronization options. Sync – Data will be synced real time as soon as it is created or a transaction is made.
- Force Download Data – Data will be downloaded and synced from Back office web portal to Just Billing Application.
- Force Upload Data - Data will be uploaded and synced from Just Billing Application to Back office web portal.
Which data will be uploaded/downloaded to/from cloud (Back Office?)
All information from a store will be synchronized to the cloud back office. These include transaction data such as sales orders, invoices, payments, stock adjustment, and master data like customers, loyalty points, etc.
Examples :
From back office, any master data such as Product will be downloaded to a store, based on branch specific mapping. For example, if a Product A is mapped to Branch A, it will be downloaded to Branch A only. Similarly when you create a product from Just Billing Windows, system will prompt you to select if the product should be mapped to All branches or the current branch only. The product created in Just Billing Windows will then be uploaded to cloud and based on your selection, the product will get downloaded to all branches or will be visible in the current branch only.
Master data such as discounts configured on a product or sales order type (from back office will get downloaded to Just Billing Windows). Similarly, any discounts configured from Just Billing Windows will be synchronized to the cloud back office.
Master data such as customer details, loyalty points and transaction data such as invoices, payments, etc. will be synchronized to/from cloud, based on the selected synchronization option (manual sync/auto-sync).