
Sometimes buyers would ask for an order for the goods/services they are interested to buy. Tap on the Menu from top left and navigate to Orders screen, you can generate orders for the products/services you sell.

From this Screen you can view Order history, filter orders, sort orders and also to create orders.

Orders can be created in two ways from Just Billing Application.

Option 1 : One way is to create orders directly from order option that is available in the Dashboard where it will take you to order page where you can create an order. (see figure 1)

Option 2 : Other way is From Menu and Transactions and navigate to Orders page click on Add button it will take you to orders page where you can create an order. (see figure 2)

(Figure 1 - Order Page from Dashboard Screen)

(Figure 2 - Order Page from Menu Screen)

Once you arrive at order screen page then we will show you how to create an order.

  1. How to generate order?

To generate a order, navigate to Menu > Transaction > Orders > Click on

  • Tap on Orders then click on . (see figure 3)
  • Select Sales order type from Standard and Home delivery. (see figure 4)
  • Tap on the product name to add products to the cart. (see figure 5)
  • Add Discount and Tax, if there are any.
  • Tap on Proceed. (see figure 6)

(Figure 3 - Order Cart Screen)

  • Enter customer details e.g Mobile no, Name, Email and Address. Providing customer details is an optional step. (see figure 7)
  • Tap on orders to directly generate the order before finishing the order you can either collect payment or no based on business requirements it is possible as shown in the images below. (see figure 8)

(Figure 4 - Selecting Order type Screen)

(Figure 5 - Selecting Products for Order Screen)

(Figure 6 - Proceed the order cart Screen)

(Figure 7 - Customer selection Screen)

(Figure 8 - Order due date selection screen)

(Figure 9 - Order Payment collection NO screen)

(Figure 10 - Order Payment Collection Yes Screen)

(Figure 11 - Order Payment Collection Yes Screen)

(Figure 12 - Order Payment Collection and Invoice Creation Screen)