In Just billing application, dash board provides at-a-glance view of various aspects of business data like Sales, Customers, Due Amount etc. Discussed below are various sections from the dashboard.
1. Search box: Using search box user can search the application for the following data:
(a) Customer details
(b) Products
(c) Product stock
(d) Invoices
User can also view the required application data by navigating the cursor to the search field and pressing Enter.
2. Total sales : This field shows the total sales made within the selected date range along with the total number of invoices generated.
3. Total discount: This field represents total discount provided on all invoices within the selected date range and the total number of invoices against which discount was provided.
4. Total Due : It shows the total due amount against the sales made within the selected date range and the total number of invoices having due.
5. Pending orders : This field represents the orders for which the payment is still pending. It also displays the number of orders that were cancelled after customer placed the order.
6. Total customers : This field shows the total number customers available in the database. It also shows the number of customers who repeated their orders.
7. Date filter : The Date filter is used to select the date range to filter data for item 2, 3, 4 ,5, 6 and 8.
8. Total expenses : This field displays the amount of total expenses incurred within the selected date range and the number of expenses made.
9. Sales summary : This section displays the total amount of sales made (until present date) in the form of line graph.
10. Top expenses : This section of dashboard displays the total expenses incurred within the selected date range in the form of a pie chart.
11. Popular products : This section of dashboard shows the top selling products i.e. products sold the most number of times within the selected date range.
12. Purchase summary : This section of the dashboard displays the purchase summary with selected date range.
13. Expenses icon : This icon lets the user to navigate to the expenses page directly.
14. Inventory icon : This icon lets the user to navigate to the Inventory screen directly.
15. Product icon : This icon provides quick access to the Products page where user can add/edit a product or view the list of products.
16. Customer icon : By clicking on this icon user can easily enter into the customer page to add/edit the customer details into the application.
17. Create order : This icon lets user to access the order screen to take orders.
18. Create Purchase : This icon lets user to access the Purchase screen to make Purchase invoices.
19. Create bill : This icon lets user to access the billing screen to make transactions.
20. Click on Logo to Minimize : This Logo Icon help you to minimize the Just Billing Application to open Home page.