Configuring the application
Configuration and set up steps for Retail, Restaurant or Distribution
On successful completion of installation, the Just Billing icon will be visible on the desktop. If you select on Launch the application during Installation it will automatically opens registration page.
How to register an New Organisation ?
Step 1 : Double click on the file to begin the configuration process (see figure 1).
(Figure 1 - Set up procedure - first step)
Once you double click on the file, the device asks if you would like to allow set up of the same.
Step 2 : Click on yes, which opens the initial configuration screen (see figure 2).
(Figure 2 - Initialising screen)
Step 3 : On clicking Next, the initial configuration screen opens. By default, there are two registration type options available in the application - New organisation and Existing organisation. Select your registration type ( Select New Organisation if you want to register to Just Billing Application for the first time ) and click on 'Next' to proceed (see figure 3).
(Figure 3 - Select registration type)
Step 4 : On clicking Next, the initial configuration screen opens. By default, there are two business type options available in the application - Restaurant and Retail. Select your business type and click on 'Next' to proceed (see figure 4).
For example, here we are proceeding with Retail.
(Figure 4 - Business Type)
Clicking on next, redirects you to the Subscription Type window.
Step 5 : Select the type of subscription - Free or PROFESSIONAL (see figure 5).
(Figure 5 - Free subscription)
- Free (Standalone) - Free subscription will provide you a standalone application. It is more suitable for organizations with single branch.
- PROFESSIONAL (With web portal) - Professional subscription will come with back end web portal. It is more suitable for organizations with multiple branches, thus requiring centralized management and real time access to of business data. In PROFESSIONAL subscription data is synchronized in real time from all the branches to the back end web portal and vice versa.
In this guide we will be discussing about configuring the Free subscription. - Select the Template for the type of business so that it will fetch and load with sample products which are available in Just Billing Application.
Step 6 : Select the option 'Free Trial' and 'I have read and agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy'.
Note: Next button will be activated only after the terms of use has been accepted.
Keep the option 'Free Trial' checked if you want to explore the application to understand how it works. However, if you are configuring the paid version of the application, you need to de select this option and enter the subscription code.
Step 7 : Tapping on Next opens will prompt you to enter various organization details like Company name, Owner name, Mobile No, Email, Password, Confirm password, Country, State, City, GSTIN number, Currency, Preferred language, Address and Referral code. (see figure 7).
Note : Enter all the details that which are highlighted in Red colour as they are mandatory fields to register.
(Figure 7 - Registration details)
Step 8 : Tapping on Next opens will prompt you send OTP to registered Mobile number and Email.(see figure 8A and 8B).
Enter the OTP in OTP page once OTP is accepted then it will take some time to directly launch the application with Business details page.
If you want to Free trial there are 365 days to use the software. From second year onwards you need to migrate to Professional version for the same account. For you to migrate to subscription code you need to purchase subscription code. Once you are a paid customer and having subscription code then enter the subscription code and then click on renew option then it will automatically fetch you with days remaining and take you to Billing screen.
(Figure 8A - Loading Just Billing Application)
(Figure 8B - Account details)
Step 9 : Click on 'Finish' in order to complete the set up procedure. When the set up procedure gets completed, it will redirect you to the log in screen (See figure 9).
(Figure 9 - Log in screen)
How to register an Existing Organisation ?
Step 1 : Double click on the file to begin the configuration process (see figure 1).
(Figure 1 - Set up procedure - first step)
Once you double click on the file, the device asks if you would like to allow set up of the same.
Step 2 : Click on yes, which opens the initial configuration screen (see figure 2).
(Figure 2 - Initialising screen)
Step 3 : On clicking Next, the initial configuration screen opens. By default, there are two registration type options available in the application - New organisation and Existing organisation. Select your registration type ( Select Existing Organisation if you want to register to Just Billing Application with registered organisation ) and click on 'Next' to proceed (see figure 3).
Note : For Existing Organisation you need to enter Organization code and Account ID, These details are sent via email at the time of initial registration with Just Billing Application. kindly check your email to get these details
(Figure 3 - Registration Type)
Step 4 : On clicking Next, By default, there are two user type options available in the application - New user and Existing User. Select your User type ( Select Existing User if you want to connect to same Terminal in the Just Billing Application, Select New user if you want to connect to New Billing Terminal) and click on 'Next' to proceed (see figure 4).
(Figure 4 - User Type)
Step 5 : On clicking Next, Will open Subscription details and also will ask you download transaction date for the last 30 days click on yes if you want to download or No if you don't want to download however all the previous transactional data are still available in the cloud.
(Figure 5 - Subscription details )
Step 6 : On clicking Next, Then it will take some time to directly launch the application with Business details page.
(Figure 6 - Loading )
If you have days remaining to use the software to use it will fetch with Days remaining, If you don't have days left to use the software then you need to click on Enter subscription code and then click on renew option then it will automatically fetch you with days remaining and take you to Login screen or Billing screen.
Step 7 : After some time you will be redirected to Billing screen, If you logout from the application then you can see login screen.
(Figure 7 - Log in screen)