Tax Rates
Tax Rates
From this screen, you can view the available Tax rates.
For the Professional subscription, Tax rates can be created in both app and back office which will be Synced in to cloud and app vice versa.
For the Free Subscription Tax rates can be created only in Just Billing application.
1. How to add Tax rates ?
Navigate to Menu > Masters > Tax rates .
- Tap on the Add icon
, and enter the Tax rate name (See figure 1&2)
- Select Tax type from VAT, Service tax, Excise and others
- Select Tax GL from Excise Duty, Service tax payable, VAT Payable.
- Enter the percentage of Tax rate.
- Make it active by checking the active box and then save.
(Figure 1 : Add New Tax rate Screen)
(Figure 2 : New Tax rate entry Screen)