
Suppliers (also referred as vendors) are entities that supply goods or services to a company or individual. The supply of good is generally based on a contractual agreement, known as Purchase Order (PO).

How to create Suppliers :

Suppliers can be created from Purchase Management > Suppliers. To create a new supplier:

1. Click on Add (see figure 1).

(Figure 1 - Suppliers page)

2. In the Supplier entry page, enter the following details (see figure 2):

  • Account Details
  • Account Contact Details
  • Address Details
  • Account Registration Details
  • Organization Branches
  • Documents and
  • Notes

(Figure 2 - Suppliers entry page)

Different fields in this section are:

Account Details:-

  1. Organization : you can add information regarding the supplier's organization through this field

  1. Short Name : you can manage a short name of the supplier through this field

  1. Owner : you can manage information regarding the owner/supplier from here. Owner gets added by default, but you can change the same from the drop down. The data gets added by the system on the basis of the branch or owner, which has been defined under the organization

  1. Account Manager : here you can capture information regarding the account manager

  1. Industry : here you can capture information regarding the industry that the supplier is in

  1. Priority : here you can set the priority of the organization/supplier

  1. Status : here you can set the status of the supplier

  1. Annual Revenue : here you can capture information regarding the annual revenue of the supplier

  1. Payment Terms : here you can capture information regarding the payment terms with respect to the supplier

Contact Details:-

  1. Phone : here you can capture information in relation to the phone number of the supplier

  1. Alternate Phone : here you can capture information in relation to the alternate phone number of the supplier

  1. Fax : here you can capture information in relation to the fax number of the supplier

  1. Email : here you can capture information in relation to the email id of the supplier

  1. Alternate Email : here you can capture information in relation to the alternate email id of the supplier

  1. Remarks : here you add remarks with respect to the supplier

  1. Website : here you can capture information in relation to the website of the supplier

  1. Facebook : here you can capture information in relation to the Facebook account of the supplier

  1. Twitter : here you can capture information in relation to the Twitter account of the supplier

  1. LinkedIn : here you can capture information in relation to the LinkedIn account of the supplier

Address Details:-

  1. Area : here you can capture information regarding the locality that the supplier stays in

  1. City : here you can capture information regarding the city that the supplier stays in

  1. State : here you can capture information regarding the state that the supplier lives in

  1. Zip Code : here you can capture information on the zip code of the area

  1. Country : here you can capture information of consumers' nationality

  1. Address : here you can capture information on the complete address of the supplier

Registration Details:-

  1. Registration No. : here you can capture the registration no. of the supplier

  1. License No. : here you can capture the license no. of the supplier

  1. TIN No. : here you can capture the TIN no. of the supplier

  1. CST No. : here you can capture the CST no. of the supplier

  1. VAT No. : here you can capture the VAT no. of the supplier

  1. Loyalty Type : here you can capture information regarding the loyalty type of the customer

  1. Loyalty Card No. : here you can capture information regarding the loyalty card number of the customer

To attach documents and notes related to supplier click on the add and enter the details (see figure 2).