Requisition Order
Requisition Order
Requisition Orders :
Requisition orders refers to the requisition of goods/ products by one Branch to another Branch with in the same organisation. In this model, the requisition order department raise an request for required goods / products for all the categories that are required in one branch to another branches of the company. The main advantage of this model is that organizations can enforce better control over buying, and efficient stock keeping with in the organisation.
This page will show you how to create requisition order from one branch to other branch with in the Organisation network of stores.
How to create Requisition Order :
To create a Requisition order (RO), log in to back office, and navigate to Back Office Management > Transaction > Purchase Management > Requisition Order
- Click on new and select the Branch requesting to (see figure 1).
Note: Branches can be created from Back Office Management > Masters> Administration > My Organisation > Branches.
(Figure 1 - Requisition order Branch selection)
- Select the Ship to Branch and Bill to Branch.
Note: The Ship to Branch indicates the branch name the supplier/vendor needs to deliver the goods to. The Bill to Branch indicates the branch name to which the purchase invoices would be sent to. In case of centralized purchasing, the purchase manager should select the appropriate branch name (under Ship to Branch) for which the purchase order is being placed.
- Under Line Details, select the Product Code.
- Enter the RO Quantity, add the line and Save (see figure 2).
(Figure 2 - Adding product code and other line details)
- Similarly you can add other products for which you want to place the Requisition order.
- Save the record.