
From the Reports menu, you can view various analytical reports which provide valuable insights into your business operation. The reports can be exported or saved as a BI report. The reports in back office are grouped by three sections - inventory management, sales management and purchase management.

Reports that are generated from Just Billing Application can be exported in to your desktop in PDF and Excel Formats.

(Figure 1 - BackOffice Management Reports Page)

Stated below are the various reports available in each case :

  • Reports related to Inventory Management
  1. Branch Performance
  2. Dead stock report
  3. Fast moving inventory
  4. Inventory Ledger
  5. Inventory turnover
  6. Monthly consumption report
  7. Monthly stock by value
  8. Products below Minimum stock
  9. Products below safety stock
  10. Product Branch Mapping
  11. Product Over Stock
  12. Product Price Catalog Value
  13. Product Stock Details
  14. Slow moving inventory
  15. Stock Requirement
  16. Supplier information by product
  17. Wastage Report
  • Reports related to Purchase management
  1. Catalog price vs. actual price
  2. Goods received register
  3. Monthly Purchase summary
  4. Order Status analysis by supplier
  5. Product purchase by branch
  6. Product purchase by supplier
  7. Purchase dues overview
  8. Purchase order analysis
  9. Purchase return summary
  10. Purchase Returns
  11. Purchase summary by supplier
  12. Quantity not received
  13. Supplier ledger
  14. Supplier Payment summary
  15. Supplier Product Mapping
  16. Top Purchases Items
  17. Top Suppliers
  • Reports related to Sales Management
  1. Business control report
  2. Customer Ledger
  3. Customer Loyalty ledger
  4. Customer Payment summary
  5. Daily Sales summary
  6. Detailed Sales Invoices
  7. Kitchen Efficiency
  8. Product Margin
  9. Product wise sales profit
  10. Products sold by branch
  11. Sales by Agent
  12. Sales by customer
  13. Sales comparison by products
  14. Sales Exception register
  15. Sales order summary
  16. Sales return summary
  17. Sales summary by departments
  18. Sales summary by order types
  19. Sales summary by Payment modes
  20. Sales summary by products
  21. Monthly sales summary
  22. Top Sold Items