Product Categories

You can define Product categories from this page. (see figure 1).

(Figure 1 - Product categories page)

How to create Product categories :

1. To create a new product category, Navigate to Product categories page

2. Click on Add and enter the following details

3. Then Save (see figure 2).

(Figure 2 - Product categories entry page)

Different fields in the pop up are:


  1. Category Type : select a category type from the drop down menu for the product
  2. Category : enter Category Name for the product
  3. Discount Name : select an applicable discount [if any] on purchase of the product. Discount Rules have to be previously configured in the system to be visible in the drop down.
  4. Parent Category : here you need to select a product category [if any], which is a super set of the current one
  5. Sequence No  : select an sequence number for the category [if any]. The sequence number will enable to preview the sequence in Product categories page view.
  6. Photo : browse and select an image for the product category using the browse option
  7. Description : provide description for the product category