Price Catalogs

Often in business you need to provide tailored prices for specific product/services based on your business need, occasion, promotion etc. So it imperative to define a price catalog to configure special pricing, tax and discount. A price catalog is used to set multiple pricing for the same product. Price Catalog is created in the back office (from the Price Catalogs page) and downloaded in the Just Billing application (see figure 1).

(Figure 1 - Price catalogs page)

How to create Price catalogs :

1. Navigate to Price catalogs

2. To add a new price catalog, click on Add, and enter the following details

3. Then save the record (see figure 2).

(Figure 2 - Price catalog edit entry pop up)

Different fields in this page :

  1. Price Catalog Name : Enter the name of the price catalog
  2. Factor : Select the factor percentage
  3. Base Price Catalog : Select the base price catalog. Base price catalog indicates the catalog name from which the new price catalog will be copied from.  
  4. Price Catalog Code : Enter the code of the price catalog
  5. Valid From : Enter the valid from date from the drop down
  6. Valid To : Enter the valid to date from the drop down
  7. Remarks : Enter remarks/description for the catalog
  8. Sales Price Catalog  : If sales price catalog = Y, this catalog will be associated with sales cycle
  9. Purchase Price Catalog : If purchase price catalog = Y, this catalog will be associated with purchase cycle

Note: Only Default Price Catalog is mapped with both Sales and Purchase cycle. Other price catalogs are either mapped to Sales or Purchase cycle.