Order History
Order History
From this page, you can view the list of orders placed, Apart from this it is also possible to Cancel order or Convert to invoice for a specific order.
From this page, you can view all orders generated
- To view a Orders directly type the Order No. in the search box.
- When the page opens it shows the list of Orders.
- You can print or share the returns by clicking Print or share options.
How to convert order to invoice ?
1. Navigate to Menu > Transaction > Orders
2. Select the order from the list of orders
3. Click on convert to invoice Icon
4. Confirm it to convert to invoice by clicking on yes
5. Finish the flow by finishing the payment screen
(Figure 1 - Order to Invoice)
(Figure 2 - Confirm to convert to Invoice)
(Figure 3 - Payment collection for order to Invoice)
How to cancel an order ?
1. Select the order from the list of orders
2. Click on Cancel order Icon
3. Confirm it to cancel the order by clicking on yes
4. Enter the remarks for cancelling the order and Save
(Figure 4 - Cancel order from order history page)
(Figure 5 - Confirm to cancel order)
- The orders can also be edited, printed and Shared from the edit, print and share options provided at the bottom of the page.
- In case there is a long list of orders, you can view the order directly without having to scroll through the list by typing the Sales Order No. in the search box.