Operating Expenses

Different type of operating expenses can be managed from this page (see figure 1).

(Figure 1 - Operating expenses page)

How to Add Operating Expense ?

1. Navigate to Operating expenses page

2. To add a new operating expense,  click the Add button , and enter the following details and save. (see figure 2).

(Figure 2 - Operating expenses entry pop up)

Different fields in this page are:

  1. Ledger : select the type of ledger into which the expense details needs to be added
  2. Expense Amount : enter the amount of the expense
  3. Rounding method : select rounding method
  4. Net payable : select Net payable amount to be paid
  5. Expense Category : select a category for the expense from the drop down
  6. Expense Voucher Date : select a voucher date for the operating expense
  7. Expense Details : enter details regarding the expense made
  8. SL Group : data gets added only after the entry is saved
  9. Payment To : data gets added only after the entry is saved
  10. GSTIN No : Enter GSTIN no if any
  11. Tax 1 : Enter Tax 1 No if any
  12. Tax 2 : Enter Tax 1 No if any
  13. Tax 3 : Enter Tax 1 No if any
  14. State of supply :
  15. Reference Document No. : if there is any number for the reference document prepared on the expenses, you can enter the same over here
  16. Reference Document Date : Select reference document date
  17. Expense Date : choose the date for the expense from the calender
  18. Branch : Select the branch of expense category
  19. Document : document in relation to the operating expenses can be added by browsing