Loyalty Rules
Loyalty Rules
Loyalty Rules help you organize Loyalty pro-grammes across your Loyal customer based on various customer segments they fall under loyalty types. This is a great way to organize loyalty programs of your organisation.
From this page, you can set different rules for different set of loyalty types : (see figure 1).
(Figure 1 - Loyalty rules page)
How to create Loyalty rules ?
1. Navigate to Loyalty rules page
2. To create a new loyalty rule, click on the (+) New and enter the following details and save the record (see figure 2).
(Figure 2 - Loyalty rules entry pop up)
Different fields in this page are:
- Loyalty Type : here we can select Loyalty type
- User Branch : here we can select user branch for the Loyalty type
- Redeem Amount Per Point : here we can set redeem amount per point for the Loyalty type
- Order Amount Per Point : here we can set order amount per point for the Loyalty type
- Discount Rule : here we can set Discount rule for the Loyalty type
- Joining Bonus : here we can set joining bonus for the Loyalty type
- Minimum Amount Spent for Joining Bonus : here we can set minimum amount spent for joining bonus for the Loyalty type
- Minimum Invoice Amount : here we can set minimum invoice amount for the Loyalty type
- Minimum Redeem Points : here we can set minimum redeem points of Loyalty type
- Maximum Redeem Points : here we can set maximum redeem points of Loyalty type
- Valid for Days : here we can set valid days of Loyalty type
- Validity Date : here we can set validity date and Time of Loyalty type
- Start Date Time : here we can set Start Date and Time of Loyalty type
- End Date Time : here we can set End Date and Time of Loyalty type
- Country : here we can capture the country information
- Region : here we can capture the region information
- State : here we can capture the state information
- City : here we can capture the city information