Gift Vouchers
Gift Vouchers
Gift Vouchers help giving reward to your loyal customers or new customers and retain them by repeated visit to your store. This is a great way to offer incentives to the customers. This type of vouchers are usually provided to customers during Festive season , Store Anniversary or any other special occasions. From this page, you can create different types of Gift Vouchers (see figure 1).
(Figure 1 - Gift Vouchers entry pop up )
How to create Gift vouchers ?
1. Navigate to Gift vouchers page
2. To create a new Gift Vouchers click on the (+) New and enter the following details and save the record (see figure 2).
(Figure 2 - Gift Vouchers generation for the entry )
Different fields in this page are:
- Voucher Prefix
- Date of Issue
- Expiration Date
- Issued to Customer
- No. of Vouchers
- Minimum Sales Amount
- Amount
- User Organization Branch Name