From this page, users can View, Add and Edit the list of Customers (see figure 1).
In this section you can see how to Add and Edit a Customer. This page is used to Add or Edit two different customer types like customer consumer and customer corporate.
(Figure 1 - Customers page)
How to create a new Customer Consumer ?
To create a new Customer, you need to log into Just Billing Application in your desktop.
1. Navigate the page to from Menu > Masters > Customers (see figure 2 ).
2. Click on + Add, By Default toggle button is selected for entering Customer consumer
3. Select Customer Type as B2C
4. Enter Customer First name and Last name
5. Enter Phone number and Alternative phone number
6. Enter Email ID, DOB, Anniversary, Door No, Street Name, Area, Zip code, Country, State, City
7. Enter Billing Address
8. Select Loyalty type
9. Enter PAN number
10. Enter credit days and credit limit
11. Initial outstanding amount
12. Save the details
13. On saving, the Customer consumer reflects in the JB Windows application under the Units page.
(Figure 2 - Customer Consumer entry)
(Figure 3 - Customer consumer details entry in JB Windows Application)
Similarly you can add customer corporate by changing the toggle button to B2B.
How to create a new Customer Corporate ?
To create a new Customer corporate, you need to log into Just Billing Application in your desktop.
1. Navigate the page to from Menu > Masters > Customers (see figure 4 ).
2. Click on + Add, By Default toggle button is selected for entering Customer consumer change it to customer corporate
3. Select Customer Type as B2B
4. Enter Customer name
5. Enter Phone number and Alternative phone number
6. Enter Email ID, Door No, Street Name, Area, Zip code, Country, State, City
7. Enter Billing Address
8. Select Loyalty type
9. Enter VAT number and GSTIN number
10. Enter credit days and credit limit
11. Initial outstanding amount
12. Save the details
13. On saving, the Customer corporate reflects in the JB Windows application under the Units page.
Note : All fields marked in red are mandatory fields to enter customer information.
(Figure 4 - Customer corporate added)
(Figure 5 - Customer corporate details entry in JB Windows Application)
(Figure 6 - Saving customer details in JB Windows Application)
How to edit a Customer details ?
1. Navigate the page to from Menu > Masters > Customer details
2. Select a Customer from list of Customers available
3. Click on Edit, Enter the details need to be Edited/ Updated
4. Then Save the details
5. On Saving, the Customer details are updated and reflects in JB Windows application under discount rules page.
How to collect Advance payment from customer ?
1. Select the customer from the list of customers
2. Click on the icon Advance Received or collection
3. It will take you to page Net receivable
4. Enter the amount that you are receiving and then save
5. Payment page will open Finish the process by collecting payment and entering the appropriate payment mode
(Figure 7 - Advance Received or payment collection in JB Windows Application)
(Figure 8 - Advance Received or payment Entry page in JB Windows Application)
(Figure 9 - Payment collection in JB Windows Application)
How to search a customer ?
1. Place the cursor on search field
2. Enter the Name or mobile number of customer so that it will filter the results
3. Select the customer from the filtered results