Configuring the app
Configuration the app
Stated below are the steps to configure the app for your business type.
1) On completion of installation, the initial configuration screen opens.
Select your registration type. There are two options available in the Portal Registration page : (See figure 1 below ).
- New Organization - This option should be selected if users are subscribing to the app for the first time.
- Registered Organization - This option should be selected by existing users of the app.
(Figure 1 - Registration type selection)
2) Select the type of registration - New Organization or Registered Organization subscription - Free or PRO (With web portal).
In this guide we will be discussing about configuring new organisation with PRO (With web portal) subscription.
Case 1 : Portal registration for New Organization (this is for first time users of Just Billing Android)
Step a : Select New Organization (See figure 2 below ).
(Figure 2 - New Registration type )
Step b : Select type of business Vertical and Business Template.
Select type of business vertical as Retail from Retail , Restaurant ,Filling station and Distribution.
By default, there are four business vertical type options available in the app - Retail, Restaurant, Filling station and Distribution. Select your business type as Retail and tap on Next (See figure 3 below).
(Figure 3 - Business Vertical Type )
Step c : Select type of Subscription from Free or Professional.
- FREE (Standalone) - Lite subscription will provide you a standalone app. It is more suitable for organizations with single branch.
- PRO (With web portal) - Pro subscription will come with back end web portal. It is more suitable for organizations with multiple branches, thus requiring centralized management and real time access to of business data. In PRO subscription data is synchronized in real time from all the branches to the back end web portal and vice versa.
In this guide we will be discussing about configuring the PRO (With web portal) subscription (See figure 4 below).
(Figure 4 - Subscription Type )
Step d : Select the option 'Free Trial' and 'I have read and agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy' (See figure 5 below ).
Keep the option 'Free Trial' checked if you want to explore the app to understand how it works. However, if you are configuring the paid version of the app, you need to uncheck this option and enter the subscription code(See figure 5 below).
(Figure 5 - Accept Terms of Use)
Note: Selecting a Business template is optional. This option have been provided so that app is configured with demo/seed data so that users can quickly get started with using the app. Different business templates have been provided for different business types.
Note: Next button will be activated only after the terms of use has been accepted.
Step e : Enter registration details - Company Name, Owner Name, Email Address, Mobile Number, User-name, Password, Confirm Password, Currency, Address and Next (See figure 6,7&8 )
(Figure 6 - Registration details for new organization)
(Figure 7 - Registration details for new organization)
(Figure 8 - Registration details for new organization)
All the fields which are underlined by red color in this page are mandatory.
Step f : When you tap Next, it starts registering your subscription and an activation code will be emailed to the email id and sms's to the mobile number you entered in the Registration Details Page.(See figure 9 below).
(Figure 9 - Sending activation code to registered Email / Mobile Number)
Step g : Enter the activation code and tap on Activate (See figure 10 below).
Note: If you do not get any code on your mail id or mobile number, tap on Resend Code.
Activation code through SMS is only for Indian mobile numbers.
(Figure 10 - Activation code)
(Figure 11 - Downloading Feed/Demo Data from Back office)
The app will register your subscription, download feed/demo data from back office and the home screen will open.(See figure 12)
(Figure 12 - Just Billing Home Screen)
Up on Successful registration of the Business vertical and Template then you will get an welcome subscription Email which has the information of your subscription details like Portal Url, User Name, Password, Data Import Url, Organisation Code and Account ID.This Information is very important for you to reinstall Again in any case where you are forced to Un install and reinstall the application for some reason.(See figure 13 & 14)
(Figure 13 - Just Billing Welcome Email)
(Figure 14 - Just Billing Environment Details)
Case 2 : Portal registration for Registered Organization (this is for users who already have a Just Billing Android subscription)
Step a : Select Registered Organization (See figure 15).
(Figure 15 - Portal registration type 2)
Step b : Enter Organization Code, Account ID, Branch Code and select Proceed. The Organization code and Account ID will be sent to your email id and mobile first time when you have subscribed (during first time registration). (See figure 16 below)
(Figure 16 - Portal registration type 2)
Step c : When you tap on next, it opens the screen with new user and existing user Details.
Select existing user and login with previous registration details and proceed next (See figure 17 below).
(Figure 17 - Registration details for existent organization)
When you tap on Next, the app starts registering your subscription.
Step d : After entering registration details it will fetch you with remaining days. In case of free trial by default it will fetch remaining days. Click on Proceed (See figure 18 below).
(Figure 18 - Fetching Subscription days)
Step e : Upon Proceeding to next then it will ask do you want to download transactional data if you want to download previous transaction data then click on OK, Then it will automatically complete the registration (See figure 19 below).
(Figure 19 - Download transactional data)
Step f : Once you click on OK, Then it will automatically complete the registrationDownloading feed/demo data from back office is in progress (See figure 20 below).
(Figure 20 - Downloading transactional and feed data from cloud)
Step g : After successful registration it will open Just Billing Home page dashboard (See figure 21 below).
(Figure 20 - Just Billing Home Page Dashboard)