Bar Code

You can generate Bar Code for any Product  from this page. (see figure 1).

(Figure 1 - Bar Code page)

How to generate Barcode ?

1. Navigate to Barcode page

2. To generate a Barcode, click on Bar-code Add and enter the following details, and Generate (see figure 2).

(Figure 2 - Bar-code Preview page)

Different fields in the pop up are:

A. Bar Code Preferences :            

  1. Bar Size : You can give input for Bar Size in bar code
  2. Text Size : You can give input for Text Size in bar code
  3. Label Header : You can give input for label header in bar code
  4. Include Product Code : You can give preference to include Product code to be displayed in bar code
  5. Include Product Name : You can give preference to include Product name to be displayed in bar code
  6. Include Price : You can give preference to include Product price to be displayed in bar code
  7. Include Description : You can give preference to include Product description to be displayed in bar code

B. Preview Bar Code :  

1.  Product Code : You can preview Product code in Preview Image

2. Variant : You can preview Product variant in Preview Image

3. Bar-code : You can preview Bar code in Preview Image

4. Price Catalog : You can preview Price catalog in Preview Image

5. Unit Price : You can preview unit price in Preview Image

6. Description : You can preview Product description in Preview Image

Note : In Preview Bar code it will be visible and based on the all Attributes configured in Bar code preferences.