
From this page, you can generate Barcode. Barcode is itself is the Product code we assign to any specific product. Barcode is useful for quick billing by just scanning the Barcode by using Barcode scanner.

(Figure 1 -Barcode Page )

In this section you can see how to create and generate a barcode for a product.

How to create Barcode for a product ?

To create a new Barcode for a product, you need to log into Just Billing Application in your desktop.

1. From Menu navigate to Back Office Management > Masters > Barcode (see figure 2).

2. Enter Barcode Preferences like Bar size, Text size, Label Header

3. Check on Include barcode, Include product name, Include price, and Include description.

4. Enter Label size by entering Label width, Label height, Labels per row and Number of labels

5. Enter Margins by entering Left margin, Top margin, Horizontal space and vertical space

6. Enter Page Details by entering Page width and Page height

7. Preview Barcode : You can preview barcode by Entering Product code, variant, Barcode, Price catalog, Unit price, Enter description

8. Once you enter all the above details then you can preview Barcode.

9. If the preview is okay then you can generate barcode by clicking on generate.

10. Once bar code is generated it will take you to Barcode print page.

11. From here you can print the barcode in Barcode printer.

(Figure 2 -Barcode generation page )

(Figure 3 -Barcode Preview page )

(Figure 4 -Barcode Print preview page )

How to configure Barcode printer ?

1. Go to 

2. Navigate to Downloads section, download the Windows printer driver and install it.

3. After the driver has been installed, navigate to Control Panel>Devices and Printers.

4. Select the printer Bar Code Printer T-9650 Plus, right-click on it and navigate to Printing Preferences.

5. Navigate to Page Set-up tab and click on New.

6. Enter a Name for the new page set-up.

7. Under Label Size, set width as 4.00 in and height as 1.00 in and save the changes.

8. Now you are set to print the barcode labels from the printer.

Note: Printer driver installation and configuration steps will change based on the barcode label printer used.

(Figure 5 -Barcode Printer configuration page )